Sunday 20 March 2016

Question 4: How did you use new technologies in the research, planning, construction and evaluation stages?

Below is a presentation made on emaze that outlines how I have used new technologies in research, planning, construction and evaluation stages:

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Key learning points
In this post I was able to evaluate the ways I used technology throughout this coursework, it enabled me to reflect on the various technologies used and comment on which ones have been the most useful during the process. It has encouraged me to look back and evaluate each of the blog posts and reflect upon what I have achieved during the process of this blog.

Tuesday 15 March 2016

Question 3: What have you learned from your audience feedback?

You can see the feedback I gathered from my draft film poster here and feedback from my draft film trailer here

I have gathered numerous forms of feedback from my draft promotional package and my final promotional package, this has enabled me to see what I was able to improve to ensure that my final promotional package is as effective as it can be.

Feedback from draft trailer

From my audience feedback, I received both positive feedback and feedback that that

The feedback gathered from my draft trailer gave me a clear indicated clearly to me what I needed to do to ensure that my trailer was able to be of a higher standard than the draft. Below I will go through I worked upon the points that people brought up:

''Unsure of story'' There wasn't really enough footage to show the relationship that the key protagonist had with the other characters in my draft trailer. I feel as if I worked upon this to ensure that a clear relationship is established between the characters by adding more dialogue and shots to the trailer. Hopefully now the storyline is clearer and more engaging.

''Music is repetitive and annoying'' after listening to the song on my draft trailer various times, this is something I agreed with and have changed the music on my final trailer to a track that I think better suits the genre and goes well with what is seen on screen.

''More shots and locations needed'' There wasn't enough shots and locations used in the draft trailer to effectively show the storyline and genre, so I added a number of more shots and locations in my final version that made the trailer make more sense and portrayed the genre more clearly.

''Brighter shots needed'' Some of the shots were not very visible when shown on the screen in class. After hearing this feedback, I went into premier pro and increased the brightness of the shots so it was easier to see the footage.

''Add film distribution company''  This is something that I wanted to do from the start, I added a film distribution company to make it seem like a more realistic and effective trailer.

''Tighter framing'' This went un-noticed by me when I was editing my draft trailer, but at a second glance, there were areas of the trailer that needed framing in to ensure that there weren't any unwanted objects in the shot and to make the angles more effective.

So I feel as if I have used this constructive criticism effectively to enhance my film trailer and make it more effective. I have followed every piece of advice I was given about it to maximise the quality of the trailer and I am satisfied with the results I achieved.

Feedback from draft poster

Feedback from final promotional package:
I used Padlet to gather feedback from my final film magazine which can be viewed below:

This feedback was gathered from people that fit in to my target market of young people, so I could gain valid feedback from the type of people that would watch this film.

Feedback from poster:

Questionnaire for focus group for final trailer.

1.What genre do you identify this as?

a) Action
c)Social realism

2. Does the trailer make you want to see the film?

3. Do you get the general idea of the storyline from the trailer?

4. Do you think this follows a good 3-act-structure? (Initial predicament of storyline, area of calm and an area of conflict.)

5. Do you think the music is good for the film trailer? Does it fit the genre and follow what is seen on screen?

6. Do you think the intertitles are well-placed?

7. Overall how effective do you find the editing and camerawork?

8. If there's anything you would change about the trailer what would it be?

I held a focus group and decided that the information gathered can be more clearly presented through typed up feedback rather than audio because I can see what people have said and more easily memorize it because it is in this form.

Below is a presentation of my findings from the focus group:

Key learning points.

This section of my evaluation has enabled me to look at the feedback gathered from my main and ancillary products to see what has worked well about my final promotional package and what could have been better. It has enabled me to gain an overall image of how people have viewed my poster, magazine and trailer so I can see how it is perceived.

Sunday 6 March 2016

Question 2: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

 Below is a infographic created on piktochart that answers the question:

Key learning points
In this post I looked at how I was able to make the three aspects of my final promotional package work together and convey the genre through the use of colours, fonts and the key images. It has been good for recognising how effectively I've enforced continuity across the three products and it has reassured me that I feel as if I have achieved this.