Tuesday 15 September 2015

Research in to Film distribution

Film distribution.
Here is a flow chart explaining the process of film distribution.
Film distribution is everyhing that happens between the idea and the release of the film.This task has enabled me to identify how a film is made from the idea to the release, I found that there are more features in the film distribution process than what I imagined.

The flowchart above shows a basic outline of how films are distributed, here is a more in depth process;

1. The idea
This phase is quite self explanitory, someone has an idea for a film, writes a script and perhaps some drawings-which they hope will be good enough to gain interest and finance.

2. Outline/promote interest
Here the person with the idea will begin to go in to more detail about the film and try to gain interest from studios/investors who they hope will be able to finance and help produce the film.

3. Studio/investor buys rights to film
This is the part where the idea can begin to be made in to a film, the idea is pitched to a potential investor and if they think it is a good idea that will be a successful film they will turn the idea in to a reality.

4. People brought together to create the film.
This is where everything is gathered that is necessary to make the film; props, scenery, cast, producers, director, camera crew, sound crew etc they are the ingredients needed to create the film, so it can go in to the next phase of distribution.

5. Film is completed for production
Once the it has all been filmed, it is time for it to be sent off to be structured and edited in to a film

6. Studio makes licensing agreement with distrubution company 
An agreement to sell and show the film is made between the studio and the distribution company so the film can begin the marketing phase.

7. Decision on how many films to make.
The level of demand would need to be taken in to account so that they aren't making too many or too little.

8. Film distribution company shows film to prospective buyers
Film is shown to theatre and cinema companies who may be interested in showing the film, they will be able to see if the film will attract people to their cinema and will be a large factor of how successful the film will be.

9. Buyers negotiate with distribution company lease terms
An agreement of how long the film will be available to buyers.

10. Prints sent to cinemas
Cinemas get the prints 3 days before the release of the film.

11. Film is shown in cinemas
The public goes to see the cinema, here reviews will come out and the public will begin to judge the film.

12. Lease agreement is paid
Cinema sends back prints and the agreement on the lease is paid to the distribution company. 

Key learning points

This task has been useful in enabling me to have an understanding of how films are distributed, so I was able to be aware of all the processes that a film maker must go through before the film can be available in cinemas 

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